Friday, May 8, 2009

Pay it forward...

I am not good at this kind of stuff. But, I would not have Tred if it were not for the blessing and support of others. So, upon hearing about this family I feel I have to do all I can. When we signed with Abba Adoption, there was a family that had previously signed on with them. We met the Hutslers at the conference we attended last fall. They had adopted a little girl 3 years ago and really wanted her to have a sibling. Crossing paths with Eric & Leslie was no mistake. We introduced them to Abba and they signed on soon after. They have had a hard time coming up with the funds to bring a baby home. I talked to the agency this morning and asked about them. They are financially at a stand still. This is sad because they just had to say no to a birthmom due in 2 weeks. The agencybelieves this situation is a perfect match, but the family cannot cover the cost for the remaining balance. I am just putting this out there for anyone that may feel led to give or at the very least lift them up in prayer. They are $4,500 short. This seems like a HUGE amout, but a small hurdle for our God. So, please join with us and pray this baby into a loving home. If you want more information check out the website below.

I am reminded today of God's provision and how He used so many of you to help bring our son home. These two words seem to fall short of how truly grateful we are, but...thank you. We cannot imagine our home without Tred!

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