Tuesday, October 20, 2009

8 little eyes

"The people of faith wake early because of the
expectation of God's marvelous acts.
Sleep no longer holds them.
They rush to greet the early grace of God."

I read this quote this morning and was inspiried. How many times do I lay in bed pushing snooze, wishing for "5 more minutes"...which usually turns into 20. OR get chapped when I wake up 10 minutes before the alarm goes off and think "what a waste, I could still be sleeping." OR get dreadfully awakened from my slumber by the little pitter pattering feet coming to take over my side of the bed. I am a slave to sleep. I am a tired woman! I cherish my Z's. BUT, this quote today "WOKE" me up---in a good way.

I should put it by my bedside. Remember it. And, LIVE it. So, in response to these 3 sentences spoken by somone I do not even know, I did something I so often forget to do. I took a moment to take in a few of the marvelous acts God has already done in my life. I STOPPED and held each of my kids today, looked into each of their eyes, I studied them, smiled at them and thanked God for the 4 little blessings in my home. I never forget that I am a mom, but I do loose sight of what a high calling we have as moms...Today I looked into 8 eyes and remembered just that.

From now on, I will not let my late nights, early mornings or sleep get in the way of my calling as a mom. I will rush to greet the grace of God and the job He has set before me.

(This does not mean I will have a warm, hearty breakfast ready every morning for the quad squad...I will, however, have a warm, loving heart ready to serve my kids as their mom:)


Unknown said...

Hey Melissa!
Awesome that God reminded you of this when He did with me as well. Walker has been climbing out of his crib/ bed and I dread it will get earlier and earlier, yet just yesterday morning I put him back down and decided to stay awake and spend time with God. It's amazing how much that alone, quiet time does for us busy moms. He wants us to have that time all to ourselves, as a treat from Him...if we'll just wake up and accept.
I'm working on that part. I can only imagine how tired you must be with x4 kids!

Bless you friend, EJ


Jamie Jo said...

I like it!